Become a tutor

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Get paid

Choose how much to charge. We handle payments so you always get paid on time

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Work flexibly

Tutor anytime, from anywhere.
Fit tutorials around your degree

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Help others

Help others reach their potential, consolidate your subject knowledge and build your CV

How to get started


Which subjects can I tutor on iProTutor?

From Science to Language, all subjects are welcome at iProTutor. You can tutor subjects in which you have achieved impressive results and have relevant expertise.

How do I apply?

Register your account with us and we’ll review your application within one working day. You will then be invited to meet us in our virtual classroom to approve your account.

What are the requirements to become a tutor?

Our tutors must be studying at Malaysia Universities and must be eligible to work in the Malaysia on a self-employed basis.

How long does it take to get a tutorial?

Tutoring is a seasonal business and so this depends heavily on the time of year, however, most of our tutors find a tutee within a couple of weeks of joining our site.

What if I’m an international student ?

You must be eligible to work on a self-employed basis in the Malaysia, so you must have a local bank account ease to let us transferred fund to you.

How much, how often and how are tutors paid?

Tutors end up with between RM40 – RM100 per hour, which is paid every 15 th and 30 th of the month through a bank transfer directly to your nominated account.
